What is a "good" password?

StartFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is a "good" password?

Password to the MUG Internet Systems has to fulfill the following requirements:

  • The password must not contain your user name and should contain from 8 to 30 signs
  • The password has to have at least one capital (Caps Lock) letter and at least one digit or special sign
  • The password may contain letters from “a” to “z” and also:
    - digits
    - spaces
    - special signs like: ~`!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\{}|;':",./<>?
  • In the MUG Internet Systems passwords are kept in the servers in an encrypted form

  • Therefore, in case you forget your password, we CANNOT retrieve it for you

  • However, after verification of your personal data we can send you a new password (the new password deletes your previous one)

See also:

In case of problems:

Department of IT Infrastructure – HelpDesk IT
Medical University of Gdańsk
e-mail: helpdesk@gumed.edu.pl
80-211 Gdańsk, Dębinki 7 Str., building no 1, 2nd floor, room 2.04
tel.: (58) 349 1705

Last update: 28.04.2022 r.