What is a "user name"?

StartFrequently Asked QuestionsWhat is a "user name"?

“User name” (also called “login”) is a name you use to log into the MUG’s Internet Systems.

In the MUG Internet Systems, a user name is a part of an email address: user.name@gumed.edu.pl

Every user name has to fulfill following conditions:

  • Have 2 to 30 characters
  • May contain lowercase letters, digits and special characters: . – _ (dot, hyphen, underscore)
  • Special characters cannot be placed next to each other
Your MUG user name is the same for all MUG Internet Systems e.g.: MUG email account, EXTRANET, fakultety sign-up, eDean’s Office, online surveys etc. Your MUG e-mail address identifies you as a student of our University, therefore it is a very convenient way to communicate with all MUG Teachers, Department Heads and Administrators.

For this reason, consider choosing a simple, professional user name (such as your lastname or parts of your first and last names) instead of your nickname, Skype name or funny words e.g.: AngelGirl@gumed.edu.pl or kennyyy@gumed.edu.pl or Robert12567@gumed.edu.pl.

See also:

In case of problems:

Department of IT Infrastructure – HelpDesk IT
Medical University of Gdańsk
e-mail: helpdesk@gumed.edu.pl
80-211 Gdańsk, Dębinki 7 Str., building no 1, 2nd floor, room 2.04
tel.: (58) 349 1705

Last update: 28.04.2022 r.