How to regain access to the Extranet?

StartFrequently Asked QuestionsHow to regain access to the...
  • Use the “Forgotten password” option

    1. If you have forgotten your Extranet password, please enter the Extranet login page

    2. Next, click the orange FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? link

    3. Then follow the instructions given.
  • Regain access to the Extranet by using your MUG email account

    1. To regain your Extranet password you need to log in to your MUG email

    2. After logging in click the “Settings” button located at the top of the page

    3. Next, choose “Change password”

    4. Follow the instructions given.
Your new password will be the same for your MUG email and Extranet.

Remember, your user name is the same for MUG email and Extranet.

See also:

In case of problems:

Department of IT Infrastructure – HelpDesk IT
Medical University of Gdańsk
80-211 Gdańsk, Dębinki 7 Str., building no 1, 2nd floor, room 2.04
tel.: (58) 349 1705

Last update: 28.04.2022 r.